Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Quests Guide
Our Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Quests Guide is the best source of information for the Quests of the game, giving comprehensive details on the full list of quests, their request details, materials needed, reward, and completion details.
There is a total of 365 Quests in the game. We grouped the Quests based on their target character or their goal.
- Quests for Link - 24
- Quests for Impa - 12
- Quests for Zelda - 17
- Quests for Mipha - 12
- Quests for Daruk - 12
- Quests for Revali - 12
- Quests for Urbosa - 12
- Quests for Hestu - 12
- Quests for Sidon - 12
- Quests for Yunobo - 12
- Quests for Teba - 12
- Quests for Riju - 12
- Quests for Master Kohga - 12
- Quests for King Rhoam - 12
- Quests for Great Fairies - 12
- Quests for Monk Maz Koshia - 12
- Quests for Terrako - 12
- Quests for Calamity Ganon - 12
- Quests to Improve All Allies - 19
- Quests for Sheikah Runes - 8
- Quests for Divine Beasts - 4
- Quests to Unlock Services - 17
- Quests to Improve Services - 26
- Quests for Material - 7
- Quests for Cooking - 26
- Quests for Battle Support - 12
- Quests for Sheikah Sensor - 4
- Quests for Contribution Level - 9
Each Challenge contains the following information:
- Quest Request Details
- Materials Needed
- Reward
- Quest Completion Details
As you progress your gameplay, the more advanced Quests will get unlocked.
Quests of Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
- Quests for Link
- Hyrule Swordfighting Academy
- Keeping the Village Peace
- Study the Blade
- The Blade that Pierces the Eye
- Heartfelt Thanks
- Making a Monster
- The Hateno Defense Squad
- The Volunteer Army
- The Treasure Hunter's Technique
- Refuel Motivation
- A Spear-ited Combatant
- Teach a Hylian to Fish
- Mount Taran's Solitary Masters
- Training Ground Pest Problem
- Training Ground Upgrade
- Proof of Sword Mastery
- Full Bellies Fight Better
- A Strike to Pierce Stone
- A Well-Tended Goddess
- A Flower-Adorned Goddess
- A Moss-Covered Goddess
- A Frozen-Solid Goddess
- Frog Side Effects
- The Knight's Gauntlet
- Quests for Impa
- Quests for Zelda
- The Frontiers of Knowledge
- Preparing for Field Work
- Soothing Tensions
- Research Funding
- King Dorephan's Defenses
- Bolstering Goron City
- Joint Training with the Rito
- Join Training with the Gerudo
- A Modest Celebration
- An Otherwordly Guardian
- Giving Peace of Mind
- A Princess in Distress
- A Buffet of Delicacies
- In Case of Emergency...
- Research Materials
- Living Things of Hyrule
- Eternal Blooms
- Quests for Mipha
- Quests for Daruk
- Quests for Revali
- Upgrading the Flight Range
- Learning to Become the Wind
- A Fly-by-Night Operation
- The Rito Flying Tournament
- A Wish for a Fishy Dish
- The Poem-Parsing Traveler
- Soured Honeymoon
- Beyond the Wall of Thunder
- The Lodge at Hebra Trailhead
- An Offering to the Rito Goddess
- Across Tanagar Canyon
- Flight Across Hyrule
- Quests for Urbosa
- Quests for Hestu
- Quests for Sidon
- Quests for Yunobo
- Quests for Teba
- Quests for Riju
- Quests for Master Kohga
- Quests for King Rhoam
- Quests for Great Fairies
- Quests for Monk Maz Koshia
- Trial of Dah Hesho
- Trial of Soh Kofi
- Trial of Ke'nai Shakah
- Trial of Muwo Jeem
- Trial of Tutsuwa Nima
- Trial of Chaas Qeta
- Trial of Pumaag Nitae
- Trial of Noya Neha
- Trial of Shoqa Tatone
- Trial of Sasa Kai
- Trial of Goma Asaagh
- Trial of Saas Ko'sah
- The Trial of Monsters
- The Trial of Stones
- The Trial of the Mighty Foe
- Quests for Terrako
- Testing... Testing... One, Two...
- Learning from the Best
- Preserving for Posterity
- Unrelenting Power
- Fragmented Memories
- Terrako, Enlightened
- Terrako, Empowered
- Tough as Nails
- Tougher than Nails
- Slight Less Tougher than Nails...
- Made with Love
- To Brighten Her Day
- Search Party for Parts
- Gathering the Facts
- The Eye That Sees Far
- Let's Dance
- A Secret in Song
- Right under Our Noses
- No Extreme Too Extreme
- Searching Eventide Island
- Terrako's Return
- Quests for Calamity Ganon
- Quests to Improve All Allies
- Inner Power
- Inner Knowing
- Inner Protection
- Roast and Relaxation
- Chilly Path to a Hot Bath
- A Light in the Dark
- The Finest Tailor in the Land
- Time for an Upgrade
- Blessing of the Great Fairies
- A Read on the Enemy
- Eager Learners in Hateno Village
- Hyrule Institute of Tactics Research
- It Takes Two
- Master Monster Roasts
- Expert Cooking Lesson
- The Research of Rods
- Painter's Pilgrimage
- Peace Offering for Hyrule
- The Lonely Goddess
- Quests for Sheikah Runes
- Quests for Divine Beasts
- Quests to Unlock Services
- Brilliance for the Boutique
- Gotta Have a Sign
- Shop-Quick Store
- Pumpkin Burglars
- Wanted: Shop Assistant
- An End to Fighting
- Wedding Worry
- On the Hook
- Swanked-Up Stable
- Help Them on Their Way
- Curry Connoisseur
- Anything but Bugs
- Hoping for Heat Relief
- Brawny Blacksmiths
- Entrance Test
- Dyeing to Make Contact
- Relief for Soldier Stress
- Quests to Improve Services
- Great Bridge Repairs
- What Bad Weather
- The Lazy Guards
- Floria Bridge Protection
- Lighting the Way
- Rebuilding Akkala Bridge
- The Marita Exchange
- Goods on the Move in Hyrule!
- Quarry Recruiting
- Shiny New Tools
- Off to the Hot Springs
- A Monumental Undertaking
- Tales of the Molten Forge
- The Legendary Blacksmith
- Caring for the Statues
- Secret of the Rito Artisans
- From Rusty to Trusty
- Better Rust-Busting
- Road to Rust Research
- Tactics for Small Foes
- The Instructor's Problem
- Facing Powerful Enemies
- An Eye for Weapons
- A Sparkling Solution
- Custom-Made Color
- A Color Seen in a Dream
- Quests for Material
- Quests for Cooking
- Hot Meals in a Pot
- Stumped by Shrooms
- The Pumpkin Hunt
- A Balm for the Soul
- Needs a Splash of...
- Really New Recipe
- Relieving Meat Fatigue
- Just like Mama Made
- Dish for a Diva
- A Feast for Greens
- Fine Bites from Lurelin Village
- Bounty of the Sea
- A Bird in the Hand
- Bee Very Careful
- Extreme Foraging
- Afternoon Tea at Hyrule Castle
- Mystery Meal for the Merchant
- Unexpected Discovery
- Cooking for the Common Cold
- Superb Fish Dish
- Who's Shocked by Lightning?
- Extreme Survival Cuisine
- A Birthday Treat
- Best-Ever Batter
- The Blessing of Deya Lake
- The Legendary Recipe
- Quests for Battle Support
- Quests for Sheikah Sensor
- Quests for Contribution Level
Quests for Link
Hyrule Swordfighting Academy
A great swordmaster wants to start a monster-fighting workshop, but she lacks materials to build her classroom. Help provide the resources she needs!
Materials Needed
- 5 x Bokoblin Horn
- 150 x Bokoblin Trophy
- One-Handed Weapon: Bonus Combo
Keeping the Village Peace
Some villagers have asked the swordmaster to take care of all the Lizalfos skulking around town. Unfortunately, her hands are full... Perhaps Link can take care of it?
Materials Needed
- 100 Lizalfos Trophy
- One-Handed Weapon: Bonus Combo
Study the Blade
The Blade that Pierces the Eye
Heartfelt Thanks
Making a Monster
The Hateno Defense Squad
The Volunteer Army
The Treasure Hunter's Technique
Refuel Motivation
A Spear-ited Combatant
Teach a Hylian to Fish
Mount Taran's Solitary Masters
Training Ground Pest Problem
Training Ground Upgrade
Proof of Sword Mastery
Full Bellies Fight Better
A Strike to Pierce Stone
A Well-Tended Goddess
Even on busy days, the Kakariko Village innkeeper always leaves something out for the Goddess Statue. Her friends fear she is overextending herself. Perhaps Link can help with the offering.
Materials Needed
- 5 x Fortified Pumpkin
- 200 x Bokoblin Trophy
- 100 x Lizalfos Trophy
- Link: +1 Bonus Hearts
- Sunset Firefly
A Flower-Adorned Goddess
A Moss-Covered Goddess
A Frozen-Solid Goddess
Frog Side Effects
The Knight's Gauntlet
Quests for Impa
Traps for Kakariko Village
The people of Kakariko Village wish to maintain their home's peaceful ambiance by placing traps around the outskirts of town. See if you can rustle up some trap components for them to use.
Materials Needed
- 1 x Chuchu Jelly
- 5 x Lizalfos Tail
- 5 x Bokoblin Guts
- 200 x Bokoblin Trophy
- 50 x Lizalfos Trophy
- Impa: Bonus Combo
- 5 x Swift Carrot
To Bring the Village Together
Village Training Secrets
Just the Right Light
The Kakariko Village Dojo
Opening the Mind's Eye
Kakariko's Best Babysitter
The Lights of Home
Impa ran across a merchant in the Hebra region who lamented that it had been years since his last journey home to Kakariko Village. Maybe a few souvenirs will ease his homesick heart.
Materials Needed
- 1 x Sunset Firefly
- 1 x Swift Carrot
- 1 x Fortified Pumpkin
- 100 x Bokoblin Trophy
- Impa: +1 Bonus Hearts
The Great Cucco Escape
The Mission of the Sheikah
Helping Out at Hateno Pasture
Plum Tuckered Out
Quests for Zelda
The Frontiers of Knowledge
Progress has stalled on development of a new upgrade for the Sheikah Slate. Princess Zelda believes that certain monster parts may give her the clue she needs to overcome this hurdle...
Materials Needed
- 10 x Bokoblin Horn
- 1 x Moblin Fang
- 3 x Moblin Trophy
- Sheikah Slate: Bonus Combo
Preparing for Field Work
Soothing Tensions
Research Funding
King Dorephan's Defenses
Bolstering Goron City
Joint Training with the Rito
Join Training with the Gerudo
A Modest Celebration
An Otherwordly Guardian
Giving Peace of Mind
A Princess in Distress
A Buffet of Delicacies
In Case of Emergency...
Research Materials
Living Things of Hyrule
Eternal Blooms
Quests for Mipha
Bounding Across the Waves
Climbing the Waterfall
The Zora Who Wouldn't Swim
Diving Safety
Diving as Battle Training
Armor that Shines Like a Jewel
A Fruitful Offering
Lauding a Champion
Feeding the Laborers
Imported Goods
To the Zora Voe and Vai
Armor for Whom?
Quests for Daruk
A Battle against the Heat
Daruk is going to lead a class of aspiring climbers on a journey to the top of Death Mountain! Pack some heat-resistant materials so that nobody gets cooked.
Materials Needed
- 5 x Smotherwing Butterfly
- 5 x Fireproof Lizard
- 1 x Stone Talus Trophy
- Daruk: Bonus Combo
Playing with Fire
Playing Cucco
These Muscles of Mine(rs)
To Stand atop the Lava
A Perfectly Honed Body
A Goron-Style Massage
An Irresistible Aroma
The Creative Fires
A famed sculptor is taking his first-ever trip to Goron City, and he would like to donate a wood carving. However, he will need some fire-resistant coating to ensure it does not burn in Eldin's heat...
Materials Needed
- 3 x Fireproof Lizard
- 10 x Stone Pebblit Trophy
- Daruk: +1 Bonus Hearts
Fine Goron Dining
Gut-Check Challenge
Enduring Death Mountain
Quests for Revali
Upgrading the Flight Range
Learning to Become the Wind
A Fly-by-Night Operation
The Rito Flying Tournament
A Wish for a Fishy Dish
The Poem-Parsing Traveler
Soured Honeymoon
Beyond the Wall of Thunder
The Lodge at Hebra Trailhead
An Offering to the Rito Goddess
Across Tanagar Canyon
Flight Across Hyrule
Quests for Urbosa
Urbosa's Desert Training
Conducive to Conducting
Duel on Ploymus Mountain
Shocking Design Choices
Stealth Mission
The Tyrant of the Sand Sea
Conducting an Experiment
Some Gerudo vai who are passionate about research plan to perform an experiment with lightning. It seems they want to discover new applications for electrical energy.
Materials Needed
- 5 x Voltfruit
- 50 x Lizalfos Trophy
- Urbosa: +1 Bonus Hearts
Colorful Kara Kara Bazaar
A Sweet Desert Garden
The Summer Breeze Festival
The Spa's New Service
Gerudo Nail Artistry
Quests for Hestu
Pinwheel, No-Spinwheel
Frown-Reversal Magic
Out of the Woods
A Leaf on the Breeze
Think Yourself Clever?
The Korok Who Cried Monster
Otherwordly Objects
The Mushroom Shop
Finding Courage
Helping with Heights
It's Shakala Time
Party for the Leafy Spirits
Quests for Sidon
Sidon's Waterfall Workshop
Chasing Mipha
Scouting the Training Ground
For the Future
Training at Lulu Lake
A Gift from the Sky
The Zora Researcher
A Thirst for the Desert
Lightning-Proof Luncheon
All the Heartiest Seafood
Blessing of the Rains
Feast or Fiction?
Quests for Yunobo
Goron Rations
To Eat a Stone Pebblit?
A Crucible of Endurance
What Do Guardians Taste Like?
Not a Light Meal
Eating a Varied Diet
The Rock-Hard Grill
Defend the Goron Hot Springs
A Goron Wrestling Tournament
The Rock Hunter
Daruk's Boot Camp
Fighting Fire With...
Quests for Teba
The White Bird of Talonto Peak
Flight Training at Lake Totori
The Strongest String
At All Hours
Rito Rations
Remodelling the Flight Range
Truffle Hunting in the Forest
Faster and Farther Than Anyone
A Surprise Reward
Cultivating Warm Safflina
Teba's Training Retreat
Flight-Range Field Trip
Quests for Riju
The Missing Sand Seals
Quality Time with Patricia
The Sapphire Seal Pageant
Fruitful Advice
Seal the Deal
Treats for Patricia
"Voe and You" Is in Session
Rebuilding Lipstique
My Beloved Yellow
The Wonders of Chuchu Jelly
Surviving the Gerudo Highlands
Surveying the Desert Ruins
Quests for Master Kohga
Spicy Ascetism
Chilly Ascetism
Hoppy Ascetism
Hungry Ascetism
Big Moves to Boost Morale
No Matter the Cost
Market Apeel
An Unlikely Passion
A Thief in Our Midst
Veggie Vigor
From the Ground Up
Quests for King Rhoam
Woodcutter's Discipline
Perils of Mount Hylia
For the Future of Hyrule
The King's Secret Technique
A Flower Fit for a King
A King Serves His People
Scars of the Calamity
Medicine is the Best Medicine
The Royal Treasury
Parental Support
Royal Inspection
Strategic Fortifications
Quests for Great Fairies
Luminous Earrings
Glorious Ring
Stunning Bracelet
Superb Necklace
Shimmering Horseshoe
It's Raining Rupees
No Stone Unturned
Encouraging Tourism
Dusty Desert Road
Only the Best
Lushify the Spring
Never Enough Fairies
Offering Help on the Road
Quests for Monk Maz Koshia
Trial of Dah Hesho
Trial of Soh Kofi
Trial of Ke'nai Shakah
Trial of Muwo Jeem
Trial of Tutsuwa Nima
Trial of Chaas Qeta
Trial of Pumaag Nitae
Trial of Noya Neha
Trial of Shoqa Tatone
Trial of Sasa Kai
Trial of Goma Asaagh
Trial of Saas Ko'sah
The Trial of Monsters
The Trial of Stones
The Trial of the Mighty Foe
Quests for Terrako
Testing... Testing... One, Two...
Learning from the Best
Perserving for Posterity
Unrelenting Power
Fragmented Memories
Terrako, Enlightened
Terrako, Empowered
Tough as Nails
Tougher than Nails
Slight Less Tougher than Nails...
Made with Love
To Brighten Her Day
Search Party for Parts
Gathering the Facts
The Eye That Sees Far
Let's Dance
A Secret in Song
Right under Our Noses
No Extreme Too Extreme
Searching Eventide Island
Terrako's Return
Quests for Calamity Ganon
Hardhearted Malice
Slumbering Malice
Beastly Malice
Otherwordly Malice
Explosive Life Force
Nocturnal Life Force
Teeming Life Force
Hidden Life Force
Pursuing Ancient Power
Pursing Supreme Power
Quests to Improve All Allies
Inner Power
Inner Knowing
Inner Protection
Roast and Relaxation
Chilly Path to a Hot Bath
A Light in the Dark
The Finest Tailor in the Land
Time for an Upgrade
Blessing of the Great Fairies
A Read on the Enemy
Eager Learners in Hateno Village
Hyrule Institute of Tactics Research
It Takes Two
Master Monster Roasts
Expert Cooking Lesson
The Research of Rods
Painter's Pilgrimage
Peace Offering for Hyrule
The Lonely Goddess
Quests for Sheikah Runes
Explosive Endeavors
Strange and Unusual
Shocking Fear
Zappy 'n' Bouncy
A Stasis on Research
There Must Be Rice
Keep a Cool Head
Personal Distractions
Quests for Divine Beasts
Regulating the Reservoir
Surveying the Volcano
Revitalize Those in the Skies
Patrolling the Desert
Quests to Unlock Services
Brilliance for the Boutique
Gotta Have a Sign
Shop-Quick Store
Pumpkin Burglars
A shop owner is mad that Bokoblins are stealing pumpkins from his supplier's field. The owner will soon come unglued if this keeps up, so do what you can about the Bokoblin problem.
Materials Needed
- 1 x Courser Bee Honey
- 200 x Bokoblin Trophy
- High Spirits Produce Opens
Wanted: Shop Assistant
Some parents are worried for their daughter, who took over their shop. She needs an assistant to help with tasks that can sink a shop if left unhandled. For that, she'll need money.
Materials Needed
- 100 x Bokoblin Trophy
- 1,500 x Rupees
- Dearest Stars Opens
An End to Fighting
Wedding Worry
On the Hook
A stable master has been helping with the fishing because nearby Lurelin Village needs seafood for a festival. He's had to step away from his stable. Help him fish so he can reopen it.
Materials Needed
- 5 x Armored Porgy
- 5 x Hyrule Bass
- 10 x Chuchu Trophy
- Merchant Arrives
Swanked-Up Stable
A stable master is renovating his stable, adding a fancy suite with a fluffy bed and premium fruit. But that fruit is proving to be a challenge. Can you help?
Materials Needed
- 1 x Hearty Durian
- 200 x Bokoblin Trophy
- 100 x Lizalfos Trophy
- Merchant Arrives
Help Them on Their Way
Curry Connoisseur
Anything but Bugs
Hoping for Heat Relief
Brawny Blacksmiths
The blacksmiths of Hyrule have been trying to make their bodies burlier for smithing. They've trained day and night. Now, get them what they need to be in top shape for work.
Materials Needed
- 5 x Ironshroom
- Gain Use of Hylian Blacksmith Guild
Entrance Test
A special instructor at the Military Training Camp will give you training if you show him proof you've defeated a large number of monsters. Get that proof to earn his training.
Materials Needed
- 50 x Lizalfos Trophy
- 200 x Bokoblin Trophy
- 5 x Moblin Trophy
- Gain Use of Military Training Camp
Dyeing to Make Contact
The dyeing shop can't get hold of its main supplier, a merchant of dyes. You found someone who knows how to make contact, but he said he wants a gemstone in return.
Materials Needed
- 1 x Ruby
- Gain Use of Kochi Dye Shop
Relief for Soldier Stress
Soldiers gather in a room within the Sage Temple to meditate upon the discipline of soldiering. Bring them something to help guide their military mindfulness.
Materials Needed
- 3 x Hyrule Herb
- Gain Use of Meditative Training
Quests to Improve Services
Great Bridge Repairs
What Bad Weather
The Lazy Guards
Floria Bridge Protection
Lighting the Way
Rebuilding Akkala Bridge
The Marita Exchange
Goods on the Move in Hyrule!
Quarry Recruiting
Shiny New Tools
Off to the Hot Springs
A Monumental Undertaking
Tales of the Molten Forge
The Legendary Blacksmith
Caring for the Statues
Secret of the Rito Artisans
From Rusty to Trusty
Better Rust-Busting
Road to Rust Research
Tactics for Small Foes
The Instructor's Problem
Facing Powerful Enemies
An Eye for Weapons
A Sparkling Solution
Custom-Made Color
A Color Seen in a Dream
Quests for Material
Fang for Your Buck
A Rumor about Skull Lake
Cold Desert Nights
Visiting a Special Shop
Research of a Lifetime
The Master Chef
A Painter's Inspiration
Quests for Cooking
Hot Meals in a Pot
The head cook of the Hyrulean army has shown you a cooking pot. Good, fortifying meals can make all the difference. Try it out. Strike up a fire and get cooking.
Materials Needed
- 1 x Flint
- 1 x Raw Meat
- 1 x Hyrule Herb
- Learn to Cook
- Earn Recipe for Steamed Meat
Stumped by Shrooms
The Pumpkin Hunt
A Balm for the Soul
Needs a Splash of...
Really New Recipe
Relieving Meat Fatigue
Just like Mama Made
Dish for a Diva
A Feast for Greens
Fine Bites from Lurelin Village
Bounty of the Sea
A Bird in the Hand
Bee Very Careful
Extreme Foraging
Afternoon Tea at Hyrule Castle
Mystery Meal for the Merchant
Unexpected Discovery
Cooking for the Common Cold
Superb Fish Dish
Who's Shocked by Lightning?
Someone has told you how he survives life in a village plagued by lightning: he eats a dish that keeps him from being shocked. Bring him the ingredient, and then he'll tell you how to make it.
Materials Needed
- 1 x Zapshroom
- Earn Recipe for Electro Mushroom Skewer
Extreme Survival Cuisine
A Birthday Treat
Best-Ever Batter
The Blessing of Deya Lake
The Legendary Recipe
Quests for Battle Support
More Rattle, More Dance!
The Korok Ballet
Good Cheer
Parade for the Champions
Forest Minuet
Birthday Waltz
The Sweetest Salsa
Gerudo Canyon Festival
Fantastic Flamenco
A Most Peculiar Korok
The Treasure Detector
Upgrading the Detector
Quests for Sheikah Sensor
Needed: Researchers!
The Ancient Tech Lab is developing a sensor that detects materials, but the lead researcher needs to hire more people. And for that, the lab needs more funds! Help them out.
Materials Needed
- 200 x Bokoblin Trophy
- 50 x Lizalfos Trophy
- 1,000 x Rupees
- Gain Use of Sheikah Sensor