Ghost of Tsushima: The Healers of Akashima

Ghost of Tsushima: The Healers of Akashima

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Ghost of Tsushima's The Healers of Akashima is a Record found in Akashima Village in which a person shares the lessons he learned from the healing monks of Cedar temple.

The Healers of Akashima Record Content

The monks of Cedar Temple ask me to carve woodblocks to distribute to teach people their healing lessons. I must not fail.

For burns apply egg white.

For deep wounds of the blade, clean with vinegar. Make a poultice of hijiki and wrap with clean cloth.

For injuries of bludgeoning, keep the injured area still. Wash with cool water. Acupuncture on the opposite side of the body for pain.

If only they had reached us in time to save father. But if I cannot save him, perhaps I can help save many others.

The Healers of Akashima Map and Location

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Ghost of Tsushima: 100% Walkthrough