Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Hestu Guide
Our Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Hestu Guide is the best source of information for Hestu, giving you comprehensive details on his background, questline, and combat skills.
Spirited Musician. The musician of Korok Forest who loves to dance. He favors a set of maracas filled with Korok Seeds. Some believe his dancing possesses mystical power.
Unlocking Hestu
Hestu is unlocked in the entry Freeing Korok Forest of Chapter 3. He is the next playable Warrior after unlocking all of the four Champions.
Hestu Attack Moveset
- Press ZR, and the Koroks who come will fight alongside you for a bit
- The number of Koroks that appear has been increased
Unique Action
R1 - Regular Attack
Dash Attack
C1 - Strong Attack
Running Strong Attack
Special Attack
Stasis Attack
Remote Bombs Attack
Magnesis Attack
Cryonis Attack
Regular 7 - R7 - Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y Attack
Combo 2 - C2 - Y-X Attack
Combo 3 - C3 - Y-Y-X Attack
Combo 4 - C4 - Y-Y-Y-X Attack
Combo 5 - C5 - Y-Y-Y-Y-X Attack
Combo 6 - C6 - Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-X Attack
View our Characters Guide for the rest of the available playable characters.