Sekiro: Lore Guide

Sekiro: Lore Guide

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The Warring States of Sengoku Period

The Rise of Isshin Ashina

The Battle with General Tamura

The Decisive Move

The Sword Saint

Death of General Tamura

The Triumph of Isshin Ashina

Ruins of Battle

Owl Adopts Wolf

Shinobi and the Iron Code

The New Master

Fall of Wolf

The Letter - Call to Adventure

The Premise of the Game

He will fight anyone that blocks him from this goal, no matter how powerful they are, even if they are immortal.

He will fight monsters and fantastic creatures.

And even demons, if need be.

He will do everything needed to serve his master. And without hesitation.

Sekiro and Kuro

The core of Sekiro is the strong bond between a master and his retainer, the faithful Sekiro and his beloved master Kuro.

The Hidden Lore of Sekiro

Now that is out of the way, we can focus on the deeper lore of the game. Hidetaka Miyazaki is not someone to just put a simple and obvious plot in his games, there is always something hidden, some lore that even if you don't know about it.

The Search for Immortality

Full Entry Coming Soon!
  • We found out that among all Sekiro guides, this topic is the most difficult to write
  • So to give it full justice, we will give the full details when it is really ready.